MCA Fall Conference 2022

The upcoming MCA Fall Conference will be held at Windham High School on Saturday, October 22nd, from 8AM to noon.  We will be following our new format where the Fall Conference’s focus is primarily pedagogical approaches in a Latin/Greek classroom. Major topics to be discussed at this conference: The Cane Writing Contest Gamification in the Latin Classroom Using Sortes as an… Read more →

MCA Spring Meeting 2022

Salvete Amici, After careful consideration the MCA Executive Committee has decided to continue hosting our conferences virtually on Zoom.  With that being said I am happy to invite you to the MCA Spring Conference, which will be held virtually via Zoom on Saturday, April 30th, from 8AM to noon.  There will be no cost to attend the meeting.  You can view… Read more →

Waynflete Latin Position

Waynflete School seeks a middle and upper school Latin teacher (grades 6-12) for the 2022-2023 school year and beyond.  Responsibilities will include teaching in both the middle and upper schools, advising in either the middle or upper school, and overseeing co-curricular activities and/or coaching.   Applicants must have specific training and background in all levels of Latin instruction (from 6th… Read more →

CANE Writing Contest 2021

The CANE Writing Contest has been officially announced. Learn more on the CANE website here. The deadline for submissions is December 15, sent to Heidi Paulding at Fryeburg Academy. Ovid begins the Metamorphoses by explaining that his genre-breaking epic will be about “forms changed into new bodies”. In the 15 books that follow, the poet proceeds to reinvent a panoply… Read more →

A Forum for Retired Classics Teachers

The Classical Association of New England has established a forum for retired classics teachers who meet monthly via Zoom. Please consider becoming a participant. You will have the opportunity to maintain longtime friendships and to engage in lively discussions regarding all things classical. Many activities are under consideration including the possibility of mentoring teachers who are new to the field,… Read more →

MCA Fall Conference – October 23, 2021

The MCA Fall Conference will be held this year via Zoom on October 23rd, from 8 am to noon. There will be no cost to attending the meeting. The agenda for the meeting can be found at this link. Major topics to be discussed at this conference: Teaching Mythology Seal of Biliteracy and Latin in Maine Overview the Suburani Textbook CANE… Read more →

Classics Books

Hi all, we have an opportunity for books. the husband of long time MCA member Lois Hinkley has reached out to see if there is interest in “a considerable number” of books on classics in Vienna, ME, including some of Lois’s writings toward a book relating classics to modern life. If you are interested, please reach out to 207-307-6353 or… Read more →

Latin 201 at USM

This fall USM’s Linguistics Department has moved their Latin 201 to an afternoon slot that might work for area high school students. With Early College, students can take this course for free! The goal of this 4-credit course is to read and understand selected texts from masters of Latin prose and poetry. Students are expected to apply the grammar rules… Read more →

Free Books!

Tom Major has some books that are free for the taking: Latin for Americans Book 3, c. 20 copies, like new Ecce Romani I, c. 30 copies, mixed editions, mixed conditions Ecce II, green cover, c.40 copies, many like new, all good condition Reach out to Tom at [email protected] if you’re interested! Read more →

Full time Latin Position at Nokomis High School

Patty Mullis has officially retired, and so Nokomis High School is looking for a full time Latin teacher to take over a program with a strong history and fantastic students! If you or anyone you know is interested in applying for this position, please visit the advertisement at this link. Please reach out to others to make sure this position… Read more →