Latin and Classics Teachers of Maine,
You are cordially invited to the Maine Classical Association Spring Meeting on
Saturday, May 4th, at North Yarmouth Academy.
We have an exciting line-up of presentations this spring, all centering on pedagogy. Derek Haddad will be presenting on his new Latin novella, Emma Holloway on her efforts to incorporate Latin composition to boost engagement (I’m all ears, Emma!), and Stephen Farrand on a daily almanac class module in Latin. The meeting will conclude with the reading and ratification of our updated MCA Constitution, after which we will break for lunch.
We begin at 8:00 with refreshments, and our first session starts at 8:45. Following the speakers, we will have lunch together and then a business meeting, which everyone is welcome to attend but it is fine if you do not stay.
MCA registration is $15 (fall meeting attendees have already paid!) and lunch/refreshments are $15. All costs are waived for first time guests! CEUs will be available for this event. Please RSVP by Friday, April 19. We look forward to seeing you!
David Dyke
Maine Classical Association

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