The Maine Junior Classical League will be holding its Spring Convention at Camp Mechuwana on May 20-21. The convention packet is available here for those of you who have lost yours. A few reminders: Your totals and names/levels are due to Ben by May 14. Please be sure to break down your delegation into boys and girls when reporting so we… Read more →
MCA Student Award
The Maine Classical Association is proud to announce the MCA Award for excellence in the Classics and contribution to JCL. This is available to any graduating high school senior in Latin in the state of Maine and is worth $100. Two awards will be given and the winners will be announced at the MEJCL Spring Convention, this May 20-21 (attendance at… Read more →
MCA Spring Meeting 2015 Reminder
The MCA Spring Meeting is just a week away. If you haven’t registered yet and are planning on attending, please do so via our online form. We hope to see you there! For more information, check out this post. Read more →
March 2015 CLAMOR
Seth Knowles, MCA Editor, has a new edition of the CLAMOR, the newsletter of the Maine Classical Association. Please check it out by downloading it from our website at this link here: CLAMOR March 2015. Optimē, Seth! You can check out past editions of the CLAMOR on this page of our new website. Read more →
MCA Spring 2015 Meeting
Title: Meters and Measurements Where: Winthrop High School in Winthrop, ME When: May 2, 2015, registration from 8:30-9:00 Content: With the new standards based initiative starting up in Maine, we will be holding a roundtable with standards experts Erin Taylor, Freeport High School, and Patty Mullis, Nokomis Regional High School, to talk about how this will affect Latin in our classrooms.… Read more →
Welcome to the New
It’s been a while, but has undergone a major facelift with a new, stable engine running behind the scenes. With the new website, you will notice that: The interface looks a whole lot nicer, sleeker, and modern. Much of the content from the previous site has not yet migrated over. There are still some components that have to be… Read more →