MCA Fall Meeting 2015

The MCA Fall Meeting registration for October 31 has begun. This will be the first time we will be at the Governor Hill Mansion in Augusta. Registration begins at 8:30 am. James Barrett (Colby) will talk about translation, Ryan McConnell (Bowdoin) will find us some Latin in the ground, and capping it off with Peter Aicher’s (Bodwoin) talk about the… Read more →

Latin Opening at Waterville High School

Waterville High School in Waterville, Maine, is looking for a full time Latin teacher for this upcoming school year. Waterville is the home of Colby College and is located 15 minutes north of Augusta, Maine’s capital. For more information on this job posting, check out Foreign Language is a high needs content area, and Maine has been known to… Read more →

Latin Teacher Needed in Lawrence

Lawrence High School (MSAD 49) just north of Waterville is looking for a full-time Latin teacher. If you are interested, of if you know of anyone who may be interested, please visit the MSAD 49 website here to apply. Lawrence has a growing JCL and high performing students. It would be a shame to see this school forced to drop the… Read more →

Maine JCL 2015 Spring Convention

The Maine Junior Classical League will be holding its Spring Convention at Camp Mechuwana on May 20-21. The convention packet is available here for those of you who have lost yours. A few reminders: Your totals and names/levels are due to Ben by May 14. Please be sure to break down your delegation into boys and girls when reporting so we… Read more →

MCA Student Award

The Maine Classical Association is proud to announce the MCA Award for excellence in the Classics and contribution to JCL. This is available to any graduating high school senior in Latin in the state of Maine and is worth $100. Two awards will be given and the winners will be announced at the MEJCL Spring Convention, this May 20-21 (attendance at… Read more →