AP Latin in Standish

Long time Maine Classicist Jill Crooker will be hosting a workshop at St. Joseph’s College in Standish this summer, July 15-20, for AP Latin teachers. Click here for more information and Jill’s contact info, if you’re interested. Oh, and you get some lobster! In 2013 there was the first administration of what was then called “the new AP Latin”. We… Read more →

Sailing on the Wine-Dark Sea of Greek History by Mary Papoutsy

Mary Papoutsy, Maine Classical Association alum, will be giving a talk at the University of Southern Maine on Thursday, March 22, at 7 pm, titled “Genealogical Sleuthing in Greece: Sailing on the Wind-Dark Sea of Greek History”. According to the spring newsletter from the Hellenic Society of Maine, “Mary Papoutsy will discuss the American sources of information needed to launch… Read more →

Latin Position at Nokomis

While I was poking around on serving schools earlier today, I noticed that the Nokomis High School Latin position was reposted earlier this month. A posting in the middle of the school year is rare, and so if you know of anyone who would be a good fit for the program (last I knew, this is a full time position),… Read more →

MCA Fall Meeting 2017 Update

The MCA Fall Meeting is less than two days away (have you registered yet? If not, go here and let us know you’re coming! Check this post out for more information on the meeting itself). Thanks to a generous grant from Bates, we are lowering the meeting cost to just $20. If you have already paid by check, you will… Read more →

MCA Fall Meeting

The MCA Fall Meeting will be held at Bates College on October 21, 2017. Professor Laurie O’Higgins of Bates will be joined by Professor Michael Lurie of Dartmouth College. Please register early by going to our Fall Registration page. Access the agenda at this link here. Read more →