Your Invitation to the MCA Fall 2024 Meeting

Latin and Classics Teachers of Maine, 

You are cordially invited to the Maine Classical Association Fall Meeting on 

Saturday, November 2nd, at the Muskie Archives at Bates College.

Each year, the Maine Classical Association hosts two meetings, one in the fall and one in the spring. The fall meeting often features talks by scholars on current or recent research, while at the spring meeting the emphasis is more on pedagogy. This fall, Liana Brent and Sarah Lynch of Bates College will be speaking, respectively, about Roman cemeteries and medieval educators, and Ross Shaler (Freeport High School/University of Florida) will be examining the Germani in Latin literature. Registration and breakfast begin at 8:30 am, with our first session starting at 9:00 am.Following the speakers, we will have lunch together and then a business meeting, which everyone is welcome to attend. 

The fee for this year’s meeting is $20 (this covers a range of things like honoraria, CEUs, facilities, etc.), and lunch/refreshments are $15 ($35 total). All costs are waived for first time guests, and CEUs will be available for this event. We ask attendees to please RSVP using this form by Thursday, October 10th. We look forward to seeing you!