2024 might be the year of Odysseus. Last Friday saw the release of The Return, a new cinematic re-telling of the ending of the Odyssey. It is still playing in theaters across Maine (Waterville and Falmouth to name some). Coming out on December 21st is Gwyneth Lesley’s book Odette’s Vow, a story of the Iliad and Odyssey from the perspective of a captured Trojan woman.

And The Ithaca Saga, the ninth and final part of EPIC: The Musical, comes out on December 25th. EPIC is a musical adaptation of the Odyssey by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
I hope you were able to catch Gladiator II in the theaters. The reviews were mixed, but I think we can all agree any publicity is good publicity for our field. It definitely opened the door to some potential teaching/discussion opportunities. Some of our colleagues in the Mid-Atlantic area even filmed their thoughts – check out these two Classicists react to scenes from Gladiator II.

Another recent release in the book world comes from The Roman Mysteries author, Caroline Lawrence. Her new illustrated mythology book Pantheon was listed as one of Classicist Mary Beard’s books of the year.