MCA Summer 2020 Announcement

Last April, public health concerns posed by COVID-19 prompted the MCA Executive Board to cancel its annual Spring Meeting.  The decision was bitter, but one which had to be made given the developing situation. As the school year approaches, concerns for safety and social distancing remain unabated, and the MCA Executive Board feels it is in the best interests of both our Classics community and the general public to consider how we can safely come together. In light of these considerations, the MCA Fall Meeting will take place as a digital event hosted via Zoom and will be free to attend. CEUs will be available as normal. The tentative date for the virtual Fall Meeting is Saturday, October 24th. Annual MCA dues for the 2020-2021 school year will also be waived. 

The focus of our Fall gathering has historically been on classical scholarship, but the unprecedented challenges being faced by teachers of Classics across the state has prompted the Executive Board to shift the focus to pedagogy. Following a general introduction, attendees will have the choice to attend different break-out sessions on various aspects of teaching Classics in these novel times, and ample opportunity will be given for the socialization and networking that make MCA meetings such special gatherings. More details will be forthcoming in September. If you have any questions, suggestions for topics, or would like to facilitate a specific break-out session, please fill out this short form. We hope to see many of you virtually in October!