Nokomis High School Latin Opening

Nokomis High School in Newport, Maine, is looking for a full time Latin teacher to replace Patty Mullis. The four year program itself is vibrant and strong, with an active Latin Club/JCL and a lot of great kids. This would be a good position to come into, since the school is supportive of Latin and the program is self-sustaining. For more… Read more →

Maine JCL in the News

The Maine JCL made the Portland Press Herald this past weekend, albeit with the sad news that Chevrus is cutting its Latin program (in favor of putting kids in front of a computer?). Personal comment: low Latin enrollment is not a sign of education evolution. There are plenty of healthy, strong programs that are evolving with education, like Gardiner, Sacopee Valley,… Read more →

Half Time Latin Position at Portland High School

There is a half time Latin position open at Portland High School. They are looking for a student centered teacher with the ability to teach all levels. Experience with the Cambridge Latin Course is a plus. Candidates can apply for the position at View the post on servingschools here. Read more →

Erskine Latin/English Position Open

Erskine Academy in China, Maine, is looking for an English/Latin teacher starting next year. See below for the job description. English/Latin Teacher: Erskine Academy, an independent 9-12 school serving primarily public high school students on a town-paid tuition basis, seeks a teacher of English and Latin to teach in South China, Maine. Preference is for a teacher state-certified in one… Read more →

MEJCL Spring Convention Scholarship 2017

The Maine Junior Classical League is offering six $50 scholarships for Maine Latin students to attend the MEJCL Spring Convention. This scholarship will cover the full cost of the convention. Students interested in being considered for this scholarship should answer the question What does JCL mean to me? in electronic format (Google doc or word processor). Be sure to include your… Read more →

Maine JCL Spring Convention 2017

The Maine Junior Classical League will be holding its Spring Convention at Camp Mechuwana on May 16-17, 2017. This is a Tuesday and Wednesday. The spring convention packet can be downloaded at this link. A few reminders: Your totals and names/levels are due to Ben by Wednesday, May 10. Please be sure to break down your delegation into boys and girls when reporting so we… Read more →

MCA Spring 2017 Meeting

The MCA Spring Meeting will be held at Freeport High School on Saturday morning, April 29, starting at 9 am. Come 30 minutes early for breakfast and and conversation. The theme for the meeting is Block Scheduling and Sight Reading, featuring presentations by Seth Knowles, Greely High School, and Jane Lienau, Brunswick High School. You can register online at this link, and… Read more →