Maine Seal of Biliteracy

The deadline for Class of 2019 students, who have completed AP or IB Language testing, to apply for the Maine Seal of Biliteracy is July 22, 2019.  School districts should review the information on the Maine Seal of Biliteracy website under the FAQ “Some tests listed on the criteria page do not report scores until after graduation.  Will the Maine Seal… Read more →

MCA Spring Meeting 2019 Reminder

Avē! If you are planning on attending the MCA Spring Meeting (May 4th at Winthrop HS), please be sure to fill out the preregistration form at this link. For more information and to hear about what you’ll be missing if you DON’T attend (Shaler … Johnson … Lavinia), check out this post. And keep in mind that the most important… Read more →

Latin Helper Needed

From Stephen Farrand at Chewonki: I need a volunteer adult who knows Latin to accompany the field trip Maine Coast Semester at Chewonki is taking to the Coastal Maine Botanical Garden on Friday, May 3rd. This person could meet us either at Chewonki in Wiscasset at 12:45 or at the CMBG at 1:30. We’ll be there about three hours and… Read more →

MCA Spring Meeting on May 4, 2019

The MCA Spring Meeting will be on May 4th at Winthrop High School in Winthrop, ME. Coffee and registration begin at 8:30 am, and the meeting starts at 9:00 am. Ross Shaler, Winthrop HS, will be starting off the talk by connecting Vergil’s Aeneid to the Apollonius’s Argonautica, the only surviving Hellenistic epic. After the break, Ben Johnson, Hampden Academy,… Read more →

MCA Leadership Positions 2019-2021

The Maine Classical Association is looking for members interested in holding leadership positions for the upcoming term, starting in Fall 2019 and running through Spring 2021. The executive board consists of the following offices: President Vice-President Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer FLAME Representative CANE Representative CLAMOR Editor Technology Coordinator If you are interested in applying for one of these offices,… Read more →

Maine at the 2018 JCL National Convention

The Maine delegation to the 2018 National Junior Classical League Convention numbered 21 this year:  16 high school students, 3 teachers who are local JCL sponsors and one retired teacher. The convention took place on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio from July 22 – July 29. Several awards were earned during the week.  The student delegation placed… Read more →

MCA Fall Meeting 2018 Recap

Members of the Maine Classical Association enjoyed an informative and entertaining meeting at Colby College on Saturday, October 13, 2018.  Seventeen people were in attendance at the Colby College Alumni Center, where they enjoyed breakfast items and then later a delicious lunch of sandwiches, salad and cookies. Delivering talks at this meeting were: Hamish Cameron of Bates College.  His presentation… Read more →

Justin Slocum Bailey in Boston

Highly skilled Latinist Justin Slocum Bailey will give a talk at UMass Boston on Wednesday, October 24 from 5-8 pm, entitled, Engaging the Whole Reader: “Active Latin” as a bridge between student and text. This talk is sponsored by the Department of Classics & Religious Studies and CANE. Read more →