No, this website isn’t headed south for the winter. Instead, I have had to move this site to a much more stable server host. However, with any migration, problems and bugs will arise. If you see anything that doesn’t seem to work as well as you think it should, please be vocal and let me know by sending an email… Read more →
Differentiated Instruction
Bernie Fortier of Lewiston High School is looking for a Latin teacher who has had experience in differentiate instruction. If you know someone, or if you yourself are comfortable in this area, please send him an email at [email protected]. Read more →
ASCSA NEH Fellowships 2016
American School of Classical Studies at Athens NEH FELLOWSHIPS Deadline: October 31 Founded in 1881, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) is the most significant resource in Greece for American scholars in the fields of Greek language, literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, and art, from pre-Hellenic times to the present. It offers two major research libraries: the Blegen,… Read more →
MCA Fall Meeting 2016
The MCA Fall Meeting registration for October 15 has begun. Poetry, Politics, and Palmyra. We will be hosted by Bowdoin College in Sills Hall. Hamish Cameron from Bates College will start the meeting off by talking about Palmyra, a city in the news recently. Then Jennifer Clarke Kosak of Bowdoin will present about poetic genres in the Odyssey, before Mike Nerdahl wraps up with a… Read more →
MCA Fall 2016 Meeting Save the Date
The MCA Fall meeting will be held on October 15 at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. The mailing should be in your mailboxes soon, and we will have online registration available on this site. The theme: Poetry, Politics, and Palmyra Read more →
Individual Academic Sweeps Spring 2016
Students at the Spring Convention take upwards of seven tests on the topics of Latin grammar, Latin vocabulary and derivatives, reading comprehension, mythology, Roman history, and culture. Ties are broken by highest scores on individual tests. Sadie Allen, Camden Hills, 28 points Patrick Beacham, Camden Hills, 24 points Emily Elwell, Nokomis, 21 points Rebecca Cox, Camden Hills, 21 points Mariah Gould, Nokomis, 20 points Abby Elkins, Hampden… Read more →
School Academic Sweeps Spring 2016
A school’s academic sweeps score consists of the sum of the top 7 student scorers from each school. Camden Hills, 129 Nokomis, 112 Hampden Academy, 84 Greely, 66 John Bapst, 60 Lawrence, 43 Winthrop, 36 Leavitt, 22 Fryeburg, 20 Washington Academy, 14 Freeport, 7 Sacopee Valley, 7 Edward Little, 3 Gardiner, 0 Read more →
Maine JCL Spring Convention 2016
The Maine Junior Classical League will be holding its Spring Convention at Camp Mechuwana on May 17-18. This is a Tuesday and Wednesday, which is a bit of a departure from what we’ve done the past several years. The spring convention packet can be downloaded at this link. A few reminders: Your totals and names/levels are due to Ben by Wednesday, May 11. Please… Read more →
MCA Spring Meeting 2016 Reminder
The MCA Spring Meeting will be held this Saturday, April 30, at Messalonskee High School in Oakland. If you have not yet signed up for the meeting, please do so at this link as soon as possible. For more information about the meeting, check this out. Read more →
Justin Slocum Bailey with Spoken Latin in Vermont
Stephen Farrand has forwarded another great opportunity for Latin teachers in New England to get some practice with spoken Latin. This one is in Brattleboro, VT, from August 11-12, hosted by Express Fluency. As Stephen says: Justin is a truly remarkable young educator who possesses a truly astonishing command of spoken Latin. He also is very knowledgeable about second language… Read more →